I am not much of a ‘review’ person but after watching Delhi-6 I needed to vent out my feelings, that’s why this piece. ‘Ye
My friends and I had planned a reunion and as all of us wanted to watch the movie, we went for it. We usually do not prefer watching movies when we meet after a long time, but this was an exceptional case. That’s why I am more frustrated. (I know I give long background but it creates the mood na? :)
I don’t need to write the story, as by now everyone must be acquainted with it. The story is as confusing as the characters and what they are supposed to play!! The focus of the film itself is not focused. Roshan (Abhishek) comes to
Then enters Bittu (Sonam- she could have been given a better pet name), who just flutters around everywhere and doesn’t have a scope to showcase her acting skills. The main actor of the film is the Kaala Bandar which causes havoc in the entire Delhi-6. All people push their wrongdoings on this Bandar. The monkey also causes communal disharmony between the Hindus and the Muslims. This could have been shown in a better way. The fights and the acting seem to be frivolous and they fight for no reasons.
Enters Abhishek aka Roshan, to fight the beliefs of the people and to remove the Kaala Bandar from everyone’s mind. The scene in which Roshan imagines a mix of
Some scenes are relieving, especially the ones involving the two kiddos, Jalebi (a sweeper) and Gobar (a simpleton). The songs are like an oasis in the desert. The kabootar (Masakali) is the most handsome pigeon I have ever seen. It is simply adorable and dances really well!
All in all, worth ONLY one watch…which includes a 100 yawns and a stare/min from your girlfriend/boyfriend, if you have take them to watch it when they were suggesting a candle light dinner.
My ratings- *